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Earth science
Automatics and energy
Materials and construction
Economy and production
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Geology and mining
Oil and gas business and petrochemistry
Technical means and methods of researching the World Ocean
Digital technologies in agriculture
Agricultural mechanization
Food security
Analysis, assessment and technologies for reducing natural and technogenic risk
Industrial ecology and wastewater treatment
Waste management
Control systems and technologies in various energy facilities
Industrial mechatronic systems and robotics
Electrical power systems and renewable energy sources
Power electronics, electrical machines and electric drives
Microprocessor control systems and signal processing
Modeling and computer technology
Theory and practice of dynamic measurements
Organizational and management solutions for the organization of energy and resource conservation
Building materials and products
Building structures, buildings and structures
Construction technology and organization
Engineering networks and equipment
Foundations and foundations, underground structures
Engineering and computer graphics in construction design
Architecture, Urbanism and Design
New functional materials and technologies
Innovation and resource conservation in metallurgy
Use of nanotechnology
Development and production of promising products of science and technology
New research in the field of metal science and advanced casting technologies, deformation and anti-corrosion protection
Building physics
Reconstruction and overhaul of apartment buildings
Strengthening building structures, buildings and structures
Management theory of economic systems
Economic theories
World economy
Innovation and innovation management
Regional economy
Population economics and demography
Labor economics and personnel management
Economics and quality management
Economic security
Environmental economics
Accounting, management accounting and audit
Finance and tax policy
Financial markets and investments
Economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes (industry, agro-industrial complex and agriculture, construction, transport, communications and informatics, services)
Information and communication technologies in enterprise management
Strategy for sustainable development of enterprises, industries, complexes
Legal regulation of social and economic relations
Report Information
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In English
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